»Nikoli nisem odšel iz Izole. Ko sem prišel prvič, nas je županja Breda peljala na fino kosilo na neko teraso, na kateri sta Nehru in Nasser jedla eno s Titom. Vrhunska raven festivala se slika v repertoarju neuvrščenih filmov. Filmi, ki sem jih videl doslej na peti ediciji so bili, iranski, indijski, Zahodnoafričani v ZDA … Dobro se držite!« (Želimir Žilnik)
“Prvič sem na takem festivalu. Vsi ljudje so zelo prijazni. Okolje je nadvse prijetno – zelo mi je všeč. Festival pa je zelo prijeten.” (Young-Seok Noh)
“We are really happy that there are a lot of other things to do between film screenings, like swimming and especially table football.” (Helmut Groschup)
“This festival is like a Grateful Dead concert because of its really good vibe!” (Darren Dean)
“I like the relaxed mood of the festival. And the response to the film was wonderful. I also like the climate and the Adriatic sea in which also our baby was bathing. Because of the baby we couldn’t go to the parties but neverthless it’s great”. (Albertina Carri)
“I am surprised because normally when there are so many changes in a festival, the quality suffers. But I have to say this festival edition kept the level of the previous ones. I feel next one will be even better.” (Abolfasl Jalili)
“Izola film festival is a place where you can talk about cinema and not only watch or show it. That's a nice feeling because you are sourrounded by people who really love and appreciate your job.” (Natalie Mansoux)
“Here I noticed the same mood I find when I meet people who make movies not because they just like to do it but because they have a deep love and respect for life and Cinema.” (Mariano de Rosa)